Monday, September 24, 2012

Enter Pumpkins

Rejoice. Pumpkins are in season! From September to March of every year you can get these awesome orange orbs. Why are these gourds so great? Because you can make pie out of them, and when you buy a whole pumpkin instead of that canned puree crap, you get better flavor and more satisfaction out of the ordeal. This is mostly due to the fact that most canned pumpkin isn't really even pumpkin, it's a variety squash. You can also get the seeds from a whole pumpkin, which are great toasted, and if you are so inclined will enable you to grow your own pumpkins.

Let's make some dessert.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Grand Entrance

By popular demand, I begin today with my first post of this blog. This will be a collection of all of my culinary explorations as a college student. Last week I had thought to begin this blog by showing how to make pizza. Alas though, being myself, I wanted to make a much more grand entrance. I thought for the whole week about how I could start with a bang. Today I will be showing you a meal fit for the finest appetite, one truly splendid enough to justify the creation of a blog around it.

Here it is.
Pardon the washed out colors, my phone isn't a great camera.